Friday 18 November 2011

Info from Myra

1) Spectacles will be taken abroad (Africa?) next month so donations are best given before the end of November.
2) The book launch includes the work of Janet Langford her generous husband Allan gave us a drawing as top prize in our poetry comp on Friday the evening went well and we are planning a follow up in April.
3) Our ZUMBA classes (weekly) at WEST TOTTON COMMUNITY CENTER start next THURSDAY morning from 11.30-12.30 £4.40 a session. Normally in the big hall but first week in the squash court! Wear easy clothes and soft shoes.
The class will be led by Rachel Metcalfe with 13 yrs' experience in aerobics,spinning etc and is also a perso0nl trainer. She assures me that she will take the group at OUR own pace.
Please bring any friends along who would like to give it a go at Totton Rec's
Phone me for further details 8086 9053
Myra M.

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